When I was getting ready to leave China and was talking to Christina's parents before I left and thanking them for everything her dad's reply was, "there is no need for thanks, we are now family" Later I thought about that and realized how profound that was. Since I was in the 3rd grade I had always loved everything about China, the architecture, the paintings, the cutest babies and thought I that would be one place I would love to visit one day. I never thought I would ever get the chance until 4 years ago when CJ went to a University in Beijing to study Chinese. I figured this was the perfect chance to get to go, I had a place to stay and an interpreter. I never dreamt I would get to go again. Only this time the best thing happened. I gained a new family. Amazing, I now have family in China..who would have thought??? On September 26th I went with CJ and Christina and watched them be married. They are such a happy couple and so much alike. The sign at the center said marriage and adoption services and I said to Christina, "maybe it would be easier if I just adopted you". She said wouldn't go for it.
Signing the papers.

They do things a little differently in China too. We had the wedding pictures taken first. Then they went and got married. Sometime next year before their apartment is finished they will have the "ceremony" which I guess is more on the lines of what we consider the reception. They would like me to be there for that and I am going to try depending on when it is. Then next September they will be coming back here and we will have a wedding and reception for them. I will let you all know the date when we figure it out.
Congratulations CJ and Christina!!!
and I now have both of my sons married off and have 2 wonderful daughter in laws!!!
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