Went to bed a little after 9 and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Slept till my normal of 5 am, tried to be quiet until CJ had to get up. Sent him off to school and I took my shower and went to dry my hair and"poof" out went the electicity. The hair dryer plug didn't fit the adapter but it fit perfectly in the wall socket and CJ had said the night before that the worst that would happen if I plugged something in the wrong place that it may just not work. Wrong!!! Had to wait till 8 pm for the landlord to come home and unlock the box and reset the switch. So Cj downloaded some of the pictures I took....Here they are....Our plane actually went from Newark over Canada and the North Pole and then over Russia, Northern China, Mongolia and then to Beijing.

Flying into Beijing.

So this morning I ventured out on my own while CJ was in school. I went to Wu Mart and actually bought a few things without my interpreter. It really isn't that hard to understand the money I just didn't understand the cashier but we made it thru. I walked thru the park and stopped and watched some of the locals doing Tai Chi.

Took this picture of the Olympic countown.

Some little stores along the route.

These beautiful roses lining a lot of the fences not only in the park but they were actually all along the route coming into the city from the airport.

It was in the 90's again today, hazy and humid but there was a slight breeze thru the day and it has since cooled off a little.
Hi Denise
Your pictures are wonderful. I really enjoyed seeing them and knowing you are OK. Glad you are having fun!
Bonnie & Tim
Hi Denise
Sorry I called you. I called you from a payphone but did not realize it would cost you money to receive it on your cell phone. Bonnie explained this to me so I won't call again. There is nothing wrong. I will read your blog every day and emails.
Hi Denise
My first post wouldn't work again. I had to sign up as a google blogger..
Put some pictures of you and CJ on your Blog.
Did you get my emails?
Hope you are having a wonderful time!!!! Can you call Tim from there on your cell phone??
Mypost has the time/day of May 26 9:41 am ...but it is really 12:42 pm in the afternoon.
Hi Denise,
I love the pictures...great video, too! Such a beautiful place! Enjoy!
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