AM I THERE YET?? AM I THERE YET?? AM I THERE YET?? After 31 some long hours, numerous time zones, 3 wonderful airline flights, Yes I AM HERE!! (for the 3rd time). On the flight from Pittsburgh to San Francisco I had a window seat. It was a beautiful 5 hour flight. I had a 6 hour layover and got on the plane to Beijing. I had an isle seat and no one sitting next to me, I did get a little sleep on the 11 hour flight. My flight was to Chongqing with a stop in Beijing. Of course I had to get off the plane and go through customs, wait in a long line and then try to figure out what gate I am to go back to so I can get on the plane to Chongqing. I was sitting there before getting off the plane and was trying to figure out how I was going to do this but I have been in the Beijing airport before and thought I will figure it all out. We get off the plane and go up the escalator and there is an airline employee waving a sign in front of everyone that went by that said "CHONGQING". YES, I said and he made me step aside with 2 young Chinese men that were already waiting while he looked for another person. He checked my passport and Visa and handed me a boarding pass. Then he took the 3 of us through customs, took us down a hall where they checked our luggage and passports again. He then took us to a waiting area and said we would leave around 8. He came back around 8 checked us all in, we got on a shuttle bus and zipped off through the airport and he took us up the elevator and around the corner and we got on the plane. Everyone on the plane was mostly seated and all we had to do was find our seat, put our carry on luggage up and take a seat. Wow, I thought, how nice was that?? I will remember to book this flight again!! The plane to Chongqing took off around 9pm and landed at 11:16. OK so now to go and pick up my luggage and see my son and daughter in law waiting for me. I get to the top of the elevator and a girl is holding up a sign "from San Francisco". No, I just came from Beijing I thought and as I walked by the 2 young men yelled for me. Oh, again, I have an escort. She took us down the hall around the bend to where our luggage was already waiting. FINALLY!! I am here! I can't wait to see CJ and Christina as I grabbed my luggage and walked around the wall and ....HMMM. where are they??..This doesn't look the same as the last time I was here..Watched and waited. Tried to call but of course my phone doesn't have I went to information and explained I was looking for my son. Kevin, (his American name) said oh. this is where he should be! How old is he? 32 I said. He said I will look for him!! Well, I already did that, this was not a big area and how can you know who my son is by how old he is??? In the meantime a young Chinese girl that spoke English came up and said I could use her phone. That didn't work. She tried to send him an email. In the meantime Kevin came back and I tried to explain this was not the gate I thought they were at. I was at the International gate and I really think I wanted to be at the Domestic gate..Beijing to Chongqing..Domestic!! I even asked him if he could paige him..he said I will call over there and see. Well there is no one asking for you over there he said and there is no way to paige someone. How do I get there? He said there is no shuttle at this time of night. I will walk!! So I thanked the young girl (her family was taking pictures of us while we were talking) and told her we were going to the other gate in case he wrote back. So we took a 10 minute walk to the other gate where there were tons of people and as we got closer I said. Yes, this is where I met them last time and as we walking into the first door I heard.."MOM!!"" and Christina came running up to me and hugged me.. She looked so worried!! She thought I was lost! She called CJ who was at the other gate looking for me. I was double happy to see them!! We got into the car that was waiting and drove about 3.5 hours to their new apartment. Christina's mom and dad where there waiting. we sat and talked for a bit and around 430-500 am we all went to bed..This is usually the time I am getting up for work! Oh yes but I am in China and on vacation!!!
We got up around 930, got ready and went out. They took me to a new mall that opened recently. We ate at Pizza Hut and walked around the mall some more. Oh yes I remember how the people love to stop and stair at Americans!! A couple times when they did it I grabbed my camera and went to take their picture and they turn away! I will try that more often.
Tonight we are going to the outside restaurant and having the grilled fish that I loved last time!!
It is such a beautiful day here around 80 and sunny. Their new apartment is beautiful. pics to come!!!